重要通知 | AMTS 2020 巴西站延期举办
关于AMTS 2020 巴西站
AMTS继在中国大获成功以后,积极开拓南美市场,布局巴西。在过去 18 个月里,我们积极筹备着AMTS 2020巴西站。AMTS 2020巴西站将聚焦汽车制造技术,为国内汽车制造相关的系统集成商、一二级供应商与南美洲的整车及零部件制造企业搭建一个高效沟通、共探行业解决方案的商务平台。
考虑到当前新冠肺炎疫情在南美洲的肆虐及对展会所产生的影响,保障参展商,观众,合作伙伴和工作人员的健康与安全是我们的第一要务。我们决定将AMTS 2020(巴西站)巴西国际汽车制造技术与装备及材料展览会延期至2021年8月31日-9月2日举办。
感谢您一直以来对AMTS 巴西站的支持与理解!接下来, 我们将为 AMTS 巴西站的参展商和观众提供数字化互动的商务机会,同时也会全力以赴筹备AMTS 2021 巴西站,期待与您明年相聚在巴西圣保罗。
AMTS Brasil 团队
Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado
Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado
Official Notice | Postponement of AMTS Brasil
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Friends,
Hard work has been done over the last 18 months to launch AMTS Brasil, the only event focused on advancing manufacturing technology and developing the future of the automotive industry.
A success in China, Reed Exhibitions brought an exclusive platform of business innovations to Brazil, where automakers, systems engineers and auto parts manufacturers will find technologies, products, services and solutions to make their plants more productive and sustainable.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, Reed Exhibitions, which is responsible for organizing and holding AMTS Brasil, has decided to postpone the event's launch until August 31 and September 1 and 2, 2021.
This decision, made in an atypical and still highly unpredictable scenario, is chiefly aimed at protecting the health and integrity of attendees, exhibitors and partners, while also appropriately responding to the economic impacts of the pandemic, which is indiscriminately affecting every sector of the economy.
Although the show cannot be held at this time in its traditional model, Reed Exhibitions is working to provide exhibitors and visitors to AMTS Brasil with opportunities for digital interaction. At the same time, an even better show is being prepared for next year.
AMTS Brasil Team